The Work

BILD trains global church leaders to serve their people and establish strong churches to impact their cultures for Christ.

How It Works

Today’s churches are faced with new believers whose faith is miles wide but only inches deep. With the lack of faithful, mature leadership, false teachings creep in and the lives of converts look no different than those of the world.

Grassroots leaders are needed in these places to teach, train, shepherd, mature, pass along the deposit, and establish more leaders.

By partnering with leaders of churches and church networks around the world, BILD International provides a system that enables individuals to be able to study, understand and apply the Scriptures so the gospel and the teachings can be deeply rooted and lived out.

Through a unique model that employs close mentorship and deep discussion of biblical principles, leaders at every level are equipped within their own churches and deployed to evangelize, disciple, and impact culture for Christ.

Maturing Believers in Biblical Principles

Church leadership at New Life AG Church in Chennai, India, has been empowered by the utilization of BILD resources. By laying a solid, biblical foundation and rethinking the church as a “family of families”, the lives of people in the church have been transformed, impacting thousands as converts grow into true disciples.

Explore Our Leadership Training System